Jeannie Seuffert, CDBC, CPDT-KA
Jeannie is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) as well as a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA). She spent many years working and volunteering in shelters as a canine coach observing and assessing behavior.
Through her work with aggressive dogs Jeannie recognized how the sensory system in dogs can have a direct effect on behavior. Drawing on her years as an Occupational Therapist, she has a keen eye when observing how dogs move through their environment and how their sensory processing effects their behavior both physically and emotionally.
Her passion for the health and well being of dogs and deep interest in canine behavior lead her to further her studies with experts in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis, aggression and canine fitness and conditioning. She continues her studies under the tutelage of Ken Ramirez, Dr. Susan Friedman, Sue Sternberg, Michael Shikasio, and Dr. Debra Toraco- Gross, DPT.
“There is nothing more rewarding than that precious moment when an owner and their dog have connected on a whole new level, with a new understanding of one another.” – Jeannie